Signal Stability
Approximately 10-hour signal stability with the U5000AT+ for 500µg/L Pb spiked into drinking water is shown in the chart at right. Note the average stability is excellent at 0.40% RSD. (Each data point represents the mean of 180 ten-second measurements.) In the stability experiment, no internal standard was used.
Utilizing the U5000AT+ for Aqueous Samples by ICP-AES
The CETAC U5000AT+ improves detection limits on any ICP-AES by factors of 5 to 25. This improvement in ICP-AES detection limits allows the transfer of significant amounts of work from Graphite Furnace AA to ICP-AES, where sample output is much greater.
Modular Design
The CETAC U5000AT+ is equipped with a modular nebulizer/desolvation system. All wetted parts of the U5000AT+ are within this user removable module. ICP-AES instrumentation allows users to effectively measure elements at high (ppm) and low (ppb) concentrations. A second nebulizer/desolvation module may be used to alleviate sample memory effects and simplify nebulizer cleanup, although this is optional. It takes less than five minutes to change over from one module to another.
Signal Stabilization and Sample Rinse-Out
Signal stabilization with the U5000AT+ is rapid, with signal reaching its plateau approximately 12 seconds after the sample reaches the ultrasonic transducer. Sample rinse-out is also speedy, with the analyte concentrations decreasing to background levels after approximately 25 seconds. Sample and rinse solution (1% HNO3) uptake rate was 2.0 mL/min.